Eli Lilly Insulin Announcement

Eli Lilly announced today that, in an effort to make it easier to access Lilly insulin, there will be price reductions of 70% for its most commonly prescribed insulins and an expansion of its Insulin Value Program that caps patient out-of-pocket costs at $35 or less per month.

This is encouraging news for many and certainly a step in the right direction from such a large corporation. Much work remains to be done but this is a win we'll celebrate for now!

Read the full press release by clicking here

At its core, proper type 1 diabetes management is composed of a handful of elements: blood glucose control and insulin management, exercise, nutrition and support. Knowing first-hand the intricacies of living with Type 1 Diabetes, the team at Touched by Type 1 has created the D-Box.


Injections vs Insulin Pumps


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