The Invisible Load of Type 1 Diabetes As a Parent with T1D Child at School

All you Parents and Caregivers of T1Ds heading back to school, we see you 💜

So much of what individuals with Type 1 face is invisible to the rest of the world, which is what makes understanding this disease exceptionally challenging to those who aren't affected firsthand.

Being away from your child can be very stressful especially with #T1D in the mix. Fortunately, there are resources that can make you and your child feel at ease while they are in school.

We know these are just the tip of the iceberg but wanted to get the conversation started...

Which of these resonates most?

What are some other *invisible* struggles you might add?

The Invisible Load of Type 1 Diabetes As a Parent with T1D Child at School

At its core, proper type 1 diabetes management is composed of a handful of elements: blood glucose control and insulin management, exercise, nutrition and support. Knowing first-hand the intricacies of living with Type 1 Diabetes, the team at Touched by Type 1 has created the D-Box.


Symptoms of a Low


How To: Carb Count